

The Future Oxfordshire Partnership Infrastructure Advisory Group


HELD on Monday 9 January 2023 at 2.00 pm

Virtual Via MS Teams





Members:  Councillors Liz Leffman (Chair), Ian Corkin, Duncan Enright,

Alex Hollingsworth, Judy Roberts, and Carl Rylett


Officers: Harry Barrington-Mountford, Ian Boll, John Disley, Owen Jenkins, Babatunde Ogundele and Paul Staines (Oxfordshire County Council)




53         Apologies for absence and notification of substitutes; declaration of interests; Chair's announcements



Apologies for absence were submitted by Councillor Pieter-Paul Barker, South Oxfordshire District Council and Phil Southall, Oxfordshire Strategic Forum.


Councillor David Rouane substituted for Councillor Pieter-Paul Barker.


Councillor Duncan Enright, Oxfordshire County Council confirmed he would be leaving the Advisory Group Meeting at 2:45 pm.


The were no declaration of interests.




54         Notes of the previous meeting



The notes of the meetings held on 5 September 2022 and 15 September 2022 were agreed to be an accurate record of matters discussed.




55         Vision Zero-Local Transport and Connectivity Plan (LTCP)



The Advisory Group was provided with a presentation by John Disley, Head of Transport Policy, Environment and Place on Vision Zero – Local Transport and Connectivity Plan (LTCP)


John Disley confirmed that Vision Zero is an aspiration/desire to eliminate road casualties/fatalities or life changing injuries on Oxfordshire’s transport system by 2050.


The presentation to the Advisory Group highlighted the following points to show why the Vision Zero Policy is needed:



The presentation to the Advisory Group also highlighted the following ideas/themes from the Vision Zero Workshop:



Members pointed out that the most important thing is for Vision Zero to be considered across the whole of Oxfordshire as opposed to focusing on mainly Oxford City.


Members commended the Vision Zero Workshop held and pointed out that there was presentation from various road users including Horse riding/Equestrian groups who are easily forgotten and should be considered. Members also highlighted the road analysis section ( ) which can be linked back to the user groups and Parishes.


Members also highlighted the need to have data on near accident misses as there is currently data on only fatalities.


Members confirmed that there is a current study into Central Didcot Corridor and confirmed their desire to see the principles guiding that.


Members queried if the principles highlighted in the presentation bring additional financial burden to developers in the area or were cost neutral and how retrospective they were. It was pointed out that the developers would have to conform to the policies highlighted in the LTCP and it was also confirmed they are expected to be cost neutral.


Members pointed out the need to investigate the cultural aspect of this by working with community groups, cyclist groups and schools.


Action: Members suggested that the Future Oxfordshire Partnership (FOP) should be asked to consider the addition of an item on Vision Zero – LTCP to its work programme,


At the conclusion of the discussion, the Chair thanked John Disley for his presentation to the Advisory Group.






56         Oxfordshire Infrastructure Strategy (OxiS) Update


The Advisory Group was provided with a verbal update by Paul Staines, Interim Head of Programme on the Oxfordshire Infrastructure Strategy (OxIS)


Paul Staines pointed out that OxIS was a commitment of the Housing and Growth Deal and was a project split into two parts.


Paul Staines confirmed that the second part was tied into the Oxfordshire Plan 2050, which has now concluded. Due to this there was a recommitment by the FOP at the meeting on 27 September 2022 to the project. It was also confirmed that officers are in early discussions about how to progress the project.


Members asked what significant changes have taken place since the inception of the Growth Deal Projects. It was pointed out that the second tranche of the OxIS project was intended to use the prioritisation methodology used in its first part and applied to any growth decisions which emerged from the Oxfordshire Plan. Members were also informed that was a need to explore the next phase of OxIS in light of the end of OP2050; a focus on gaps within the current OxIS and how it can best support delivery of local plan ambitions, was suggested. Officers committed to explore next steps and feedback to IAG and FOP.


Members pointed out the need for an adequate timeline for OxIS and pointed out the need for Environmental considerations and criteria to have higher priority.


Action: Members suggested that the Future Oxfordshire Partnership consider an update item on the OxIS in due course.


At the conclusion of the discussion, the Chair thanked Paul Staines for the update.




57         Energy Sustainability and Security in Oxfordshire



The Advisory Group was provided with a presentation by Inga Doherty, Energy Insights Lead on Energy Sustainability and Security in Oxfordshire.



The presentation highlighted the following topics:



Members queried how shortage in connection into the Power Grid in Oxfordshire affects any energy policies brought forward. It was pointed out that the collaborative working with the DNOs would be critical in facilitating this.


Members highlighted the point that anyone proposing the Solar Farm application must have already contacted the grid and must start paying for their slot on the Grid.


Members queried the fact that there is not a strategy/plan-led approach to energy provision. Another point raised was that the location of the Solar Farms is based on there being a landowner as opposed to a strategy for Districts/County Council highlighting the best location for Solar Panels. It was however pointed out that this has now become a priority.



Members suggested that the work on Energy should be looked upon at a Countywide basis and the need for districts to be aware of the need to have this in their local plans/policies on how new Solar Applications are looked upon.


Action: Members highlighted the need for a thorough refresh of the Energy Strategy


Action: The Chair pointed out the need for Energy to be revisited at a future meeting.


At the conclusion of the discussion, the Chair thanked Inga Doherty for her presentation to the Advisory Group.




58         Home from Infrastructure (HFI) Update



The Advisory Group was provided with a presentation by Owen Jenkins on the implications following receipt of a letter in December 2022 from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) concerning the release of the final £30m payment for the Homes from Infrastructure, (HfI) programme under the Housing and Growth Deal.


The Chair confirmed there had been discussions between Leaders of the Councils on the issue and there would be a future meeting where the issue would be looked upon again to investigate the best way for collaboration between councils.


Members queried how feasible it was to deliver the remaining £30m worth of projects. It was pointed out that the current in depth piece of work was looking at this currently and any schemes which were deemed to be high risk of not meeting  the March 2025  deadline would be discussed.


Members queried what the actual criteria for delivery of schemes was, i.e. homes built; homes occupied. It was pointed out that there are currently ongoing discussions with DLUHC regarding this and would be agreed on by the Council Leaders and the Future Oxfordshire Partnership (FOP).


Action: Owen Jenkins confirmed that an update on the HfI programme would be given to the Future Oxfordshire Partnership meeting on 23 January 2023.


At the conclusion of the discussion, the Chair thanked Owen Jenkins for his presentation to the Advisory Group.






59         Request from Future Oxfordshire Partnership (FOP) Scrutiny Panel that an external member be co-opted to the Infrastructure Advisory Group (IAG) to represent Active Travel England or suitable body


In discussion, members of the advisory group thanked the Scrutiny Panel for its comments and noted its concern regarding the importance of Active Travel which members shared. However, the point was made that the role of the Oxfordshire Strategic Transport Forum representative on the infrastructure advisory group was to represent all modes of travel and transport, not a specific one and it was felt that Active Travel considerations were adequately considered through that role and by officers.


The Chair confirmed the current representative of the Oxfordshire Strategic Transport Forum on the advisory group had now accepted a which new role outside the county which it was understood would mean that a new representative would need to be nominated.


It was also suggested that the wider role of the co-opted non-voting member in the advisory group could be reviewed.




60         Dates of Future Meetings and Forward Programme



Meetings at 14.00 unless otherwise stated.






The meeting closed at 4.15 pm